Our Pool is now Closed for the Season. Check back around May 1st of 2025 for new memberships.
Guest Tickets Available for Pool Members Only
Guest Passes may be purchased by pool members only in advance at the SCC Pro-Shop for $5 per person, per day. These are available individually or in books of 5 for a discounted $20 fee. No free guests are allowed for any member. *See Guest Privilege for more information.
- Dates of Operation: May 17, 2024 – September 15, 2024. May be extended, weather permitting.
- Hours of Operation: Sunday – Saturday from 10:30 am until Dusk. Note: During a thunder/lightning storm, the pool can, and will, be closed early. The National Lightning and Safety Institute recommend that outdoor pools and deck be cleared during a lightning and thunder storm until 30-minutes after the last clap of thunder.
- Sign-In: Please sign in each time you use the pool. The sign-in sheet is located in a metal box, inside the pool area, to the right of the front gate. List your member number, name on membership, time, and the number of household members attending. If you have guests, guest tickets must be purchased at the SCC Pro-Shop prior to signing in. Guests ticket-holder’s names must be listed and and the guest ticket must be placed in the blue guest ticket box.
- Guest Privilege: Guest tickets are available for $5 per person, per day to pool members only, and payment in advance at the SCC Pro-Shop is required. Books of 5 tickets may also be purchased at a discounted rate of $20. Tickets must list the guest’s name and be placed in the blue guest ticket box at sign-in. You must accompany all of your guests when they are using the pool. Members are encouraged to use guest passes for occasional visitors or as an opportunity to introduce potential new members. This privilege was not, and is not, intended for repeat visitors to avoid or replace a pool membership. Members that abuse the guest privilege will be fined a minimum of $25.00.
- Pavilion Rental Options: You must complete the reservation form at the SCC Pro Shop. Units may be rented for $50.00 each, up to 3 units. Reservations may be made only by Pool Members (in good standing). Reservations are required no less than 1 week in advance. (Be sure to book early!) In order to allow additional celebrations, you are limited to a 3-hour time period. Maximum number of guests per unit is 10. Note: No additional fee for guests up to 10 per unit. Please clean up after your gathering. Be sure to use the provided refuse containers.
- Weekly Family Membership for Campers & Property Rentals: Daily Rate: $25.00; Weekly Rate: $75.00. Includes all members living in the same camper/household. Guest not free; passes $5 each. See Guest Privilege.
- FREE Water Aerobic Classes: Monday through Saturday, 9:30 am – 10:30 am for both men and women. This is for members only – guests are permitted for $5 per day.
- Bathing Suits: Please wash your bathing suit before using the pool if you have been swimming in the lake. Lake algae can contaminate our swimming pool and cause algae growth.
- Children: All children under the age of 3 (or not fully potty-trained) are REQUIRED to wear swim diapers. Additionally, all children must be supervised at all times while using the pool and restrooms.
- Fecal Accidents: All accidents must be reported and require immediate closure of both pools. The pool must be treated and re-opening will occur approximately 24 hours after the pool has been treated. Please contact the SCC Pro-Shop immediately to report any accidents.
- Restrooms: Restrooms are located outside the pool area on the side of the clubhouse. It is imperative that the restrooms be used. Adults and children, regardless of age, are expected to use the restrooms rather than the pool for urination.
- Emergencies: The emergency 911 telephone is located by the restrooms. This phone automatically dials 911 when the receiver is picked up.
- See General Pool Rules: All general pool rules must be followed at all times (attached).
Please Note: Failure to follow all of the rules and regulations as stipulated below will result in cancellation of your membership with no refunds of membership fees.
- Pool Members and their guests ONLY! Non-Members are trespassing! Please call the SCC Pro-Shop or the sheriff to report trespassers.
- Sign in each time you use the pool – your name, membership number, & number of family. See Guest Privilege for guests.
- No animals or pets allowed in the pool or pool area.
- Pool Members must be 18 years or older to bring guests to the Pool.
- The Pool Member is responsible and liable for the conduct of your family members and guests.
- All children must be supervised by an individual 16 years or older at all times while in the pool, pool area and restrooms. Children under 6 must be accompanied in the water with adult supervision at all times. Children under 3 (or not fully potty-trained) must wear swim diapers.
- ANY damages to property or equipment by member or guest will be billed to the pool member.
- No running, boisterous, rough play, fence climbing, or throwing any object except soft sponge balls.
- Playing and using floats is ok as long as you are courteous. Watch and be careful of others and allow swimmers to swim.
- No hanging, playing or standing on the deep end safety rope and floats.
- Ladders – NO swimming under, hanging on or playing on.
- Clean up any mess, including all dropped food, etc. and place in trash cans.
- There should be no solo swimming. There is no lifeguard on duty.
- No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs should use the pool.
- There should be no spitting or blowing of nose in pool.
- Persons with diarrheal illness, nausea, skin, eye, ear or respiratory infections; or open lesions/wounds should not enter the pool.
- No glass is allowed in the pool or on the deck. No food or drink in pool.
- The first aid kit is mounted on wall outside pool pump house.
- Restrooms are located outside the pool area on the side of the clubhouse along with the 911 emergency telephone. Please note that the emergency telephone is to be used only for emergencies. If you blatantly misuse this phone and place prank calls using this telephone, this behavior can result in arrests and fines by the Anderson County Sheriff’s office.
- Please lower your umbrella when you leave.
- Please report to the Stone Creek Cove Pro-Shop 864-261-0888 anyone not following the rules and regulations.
Wendy Reed 864-224-9368 at wenwing@aol.com or the SCC HOA Board 864-261-0888